Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Building links for your website - Quality V Quantity

Link building is definitely the less glamorous side of the SEO industry (where's the glamorous side I hear you cry!). It's not something I particularly enjoy doing, but it is an absolute must if you want your website to scale the rankings of the search engines.

Content is king when it comes to link building. If you can create  good quality, original content that people want to read, then the links will flow organically without much work needed from you! You just need to people to be able to find that glorious content. (That's where SEO comes in!)

My motto when building links is quality over quantity. Target good authority websites that are relevant to your niche e.g. if you sell apples there is no point trying to get links for car dealership. If you can get a single link from a high authority website (think it will be worth far more to you than 10 links from low ranking free directories. That is not to say directories should be ignored, but be selective in your choosing which ones you submit your site to so as not to be wasting your time. Hotfrog is a particular favourite directory of mine.

Article directory sites such as Ezine Articles or Go Articles, are gold when it comes to gathering good quality back links. Submit your high quality, original article to these sites and you get the benefit of being able to add a high quality, custom anchor text, link back to your website.

Guest Blogs, try to get a guest blog on a respected, high authority blog in your niche. If your content is interesting and well constructed, then most bloggers are only too happy to let you feature on their site (it saves them having to think up of a post!) again the reward is usually a backlink to your site.

That's all on link building for now, obviously it's not comprehensive but it's late!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing useful information. If any want to generate link then always remember link should be quality based.

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